The Role of Neuroscience in Shaping Future Gaming Trends
- 16/03/2024
- Category: Neuroethics
Neuroimaging technologies that evaluate players’ cognitive activity might be helpful for gaming research, especially player experience research. Studies on how EEG and other neuroimaging techniques evaluate elements of player experience like difficulty, engagement, or stress are examples of this synergy. Researchers simulate attention, memory, decision-making, and other mental processes through games. These interactive settings enable
Neuroethics and the Psychology Behind Persuasive Advertising
- 04/12/2023
- Category: Neuroethics
Neuroethics provides a framework for critically examining the ethical dimensions of persuasive advertising and navigating the complex interplay between neuroscience, psychology, and marketing. By understanding the ethical implications of persuasive advertising tactics and promoting ethical principles such as transparency, consent, and respect for autonomy, we can strive to create advertising practices that serve the interests